============================================================================= Level : GOLDMINE *****Plutonium/Atomic required******** File Name : Goldmine.zip Included Files : Goldmine.map, Goldmine.doc Version Number : 1.00000000000000000000000000000001 Difficulty: Medium-hard Date Released : 4-27-97 Author : Fermion (aka EMRadiation) Resume : Epic and Vinifera Gaming Service : TEN beta tester, but won't pay for it Gaming Service Screen Name : N/A E-mail Address : Fermion420@msn.com Story : =========================================================================== Duke is having a leisurely solitary canooing expedition in the Grand Canyon, happy to enjoy his free time now that he is retired and is a rich man. However, Duke gets lost in memories of splattering alien viscera and sending their limbs radially away from their lifeless heart, and gets hopelessly lost. Duke plummets down a waterfall, into a narrow canyon, and stumbles into an isolated alien stronghold, where the aliens were content to live a happy life in seclusion, not bothering a soul. Of course Duke has developed a mean streak, and lapses back into his homicidal rampage. Sad, unfortunate, but it's reality. So go ahead, Duke, contribute to the human-led extinction of all species on our planet. =========================================================================== * Play Information * I have designed thie maps so that you shouln't get lost. There is a linear progression through the map, a technique used expertly by the level designers, and not so well used by some user map makers. You will be exposed to everything here, so don't run blindly through the level. Be very deliberate, and secure each area before you move on. When you have secured a room/area, check everything out -- most of the power-ups and health are not in immediate view, they will be concealed. When you are satisfied that you have uncovered everything, save and continue. Try to remember things that you pass -- you might notice something that you can go through later. When you have made it through, I would like to hear from you! I spent so much time on this, all to be fun for YOU!!! So I'd love some feedback -- too easy or too hard, improvements, compliments, observations, anything. This is for you. Plus, if you have questions about Build, I'd love to share what I've learned. WALK THROUGH note: the purpose of this section is for people who are totally stuck, which shouldn't happen, or people who want to find all the secrets and proceed through this level as efficiently as possible, or for reading before you even play, to get an idea what you are in for :) I'd encourage printing this out, as it has 22 steps! 1. You fall off the waterfall into a pool. Wow! There's a shotgun in it! How did that ever get there? 2. Proceed ahead, check out things, and head up to the San Andreas Fault marker. In our world, the San Andreas Fault and the Grand Canyon are linked. Cool quake! If you look up, you'll see that 2 sections in the middle of a suspended minecart track explode. On one side you'll see a block, in which the end switch is located. Keep that in mind -- you'll see it from a lot of different angles. 3. Behind that, go to the lift, and get into the first mineshaft. You'll find a section where the wall explodes, and in that cave, is a circular passage leading back to the cave, which rises when you step into it. Half way through it, look to the inside of the passage, and find the hole. I have no idea what this room is supposed to represent, but it requires some maneuvering to get to the secret. Go up the ramp, and look to the outside and wait for the rotating wall thing to have the open part there. Well, you'll figure it out. WHen you get the Atomic Health Unit, and the teleporter, you got the secret. You should be commended. 4. Find the 1st card, notice that the second card slot is right there. Obviously, you'll need to remember that is where you need to get back to later. Go to the submerged shaft section, and under there, you'll find the branch that takes you back above surface, to where you use the card to raise the bars. 5. You are in front of the ore processing plant. You have to go to the opposite side to get in -- the front is locked. Big battle sequence in the back. Make sure to clear the entire area around the plant. 6. The next secret is on the raised area where the bulldozer is. Against the wall, look for a slight texture displacement, and walk through. 7. If you open to back door to the plant, you'll see a gate on the other side allowing you to look, but not enter. There's a 3rd way in that is not blocked. Now, hit the red button on the platform right next to the bulldozer area to stretch the sector to get on the surface where the crane picks you up. 8. Inside the plant, check around, and secure the entire area before entering the crusher where the converyor takes you through. Check out the goodies inside the 4 lockers -- 1 combo switch opens the 1st, 2nd, and 4th. You can open the 3rd by pressing on it. 9. Up in the office, there are 2 secrets. One is in the 1st room, where pressing on the punchcard clock opens a picture. In the second, dim room, the bookshelf can be lowered by pressing twice on the yellow button on the side of the desk. In that room, a switch opens up the gate blocking the back door. There are 2 security screens, one next to the switch shows you the gate opening, allowing you out the back. 10. Now, go through the crusher. Use the steroids found in one of the lockers to get you through it quick, otherwise you might have to try a bunch of times without being crushed. When you get out at the end, don't run out too quick, or you'll fall into the smelting pot and meet a quick death. 11. You can now explore the other side of the plant. On the far side, on the rim of the pot, it a gun, if you look. Also, on the bottom, if you follow the pot around, past the 2 barrells, is some ammo. If you want to get out the front, you can get a bomb to trigger the lazers which blow a hole through the front door by pressing the red wheel by the pipes. Get the second card by throwing the 2 switches by the reactor -- the 1st one reveals the second one. 12. Now, remember where you saw the card slot by the first card at the end of one of the shafts? That'll take you across the canyon. But before you go through the opposite shaft, while still outside of the entrance, look off left of the canyon and follow the ledge. 13. That will take you to a cave dwelling kiva. Find the bomb in a shadow, and use it to blow open the crack in the other shadow. The hole will reveal another secret, a cool lava room thing with a portable medkit, which will come in handy later. 14. Go back to the shaft and wait for the minecart. Cool subway! If you get lucky, you can run over some lizards. Now this minecart makes 3 stops. One is where you were initially picked up. The last one, leads to another set of tracks leading to the exit switch suspended above the canyon. You need the yellow card to open the bars to get across to the nuke button. That card is located at the second stop, but it is too barred. Opposite of the bars is a second canyon, you gotta clean it out! 15. At the edge of the canyon, an elevator is at the bottom. Look to the left, you'll see a water tank with a pig cop on top. Also a Devastator is on it. If you can spare the 10 units of health by dropping off the tank, take it. Hope you do, because you picked up the Portable Medkit. This canyon meets a real narrow point. At the other side is gonna be a big battle, so be sure to use your cover. 16. Now that the canyon is secured on the other side, look for another mineshaft with the sloped slag that you can climb. Before you enter this shaft, look right and follow the ledge to another small cave. Agains one wall is a tough to resolve paw print, which will open up part of the cave and give you a Freezethrower. Go back and enter the mineshaft. 17. You'll notice that this shaft bears the mark of being organically assimilated. This is the alien base where they are happily living their secluded lives in peace, and you just can't let them be. In the first room inside the shaft, there's a slime pool in the middle. Before you enter it, against one of the glowing walls, is an organic switch. Throw that. IN the pool, a section has lowered to get you into another secret room. Take it for all it's possessions. 18. This is a treat I got from SE0 Tricks, things that Duke wasn't intended to do, but clever Tim Conneen has revealed (invented more like). I used 2 tricks -- undulating walls and horizontal crusher. Check it out. At the end of that passage leading from the pool room, is another small room that is a 3-way intersection. An alien switch will get you into one of the exits. So follow that, and kill the hatchlings. 19. Leave the hatchling room, after you have been in all 4 subrooms. And that'll take you into a large room with some trippy thing in the middle. Up above there is a command area, with 2 side monitors. One is a secret. Open the monitor, and climb inside. Now at the end of the short passage, press at the end. The texture of the end is a touch lighter to clue you. Now there is a second part, which is red. You'll need the ammo. 20. Now, back to the command area. Throw the switch to kill the force field. Up at your vantage point, you'll see an alien hand print switch on the middle thing. Hit it from above with a pistol slug. But get your RPG in hand, because that switch opens the miniboss door, and you can guess what's at the other side. So put him out of his misery and enter his room. There is a switch, and a monitor. That switch opens up the final exit from the 3-way intersection, as you will recognize in the monitor. 21. Back there, avoid the shooters at the entrance and continue through. Soon you will arive in a big dark room in which some surfaces will rise. Take the health and the RPG shells, and hit the rising switch right at the entrance. Let the RPG rip at the 2 minibosses. Then get in their room, and there's another switch and monitor. You'll notice you have freed the yellow card back at the 2nd stop of the minecart. 22. That means you gotta get back outside. Don't go recklessly back to the elevator to the minecart too carelessly -- there's a host of respawns. Now that you have the card, wait for the minecart, and take it to the next stop, where you can raise the bars, and hit the nuke button! Congrats! You did it! I hope you killed 149 monsters and got all 9 secrets!!!!!! Most importantly, I hope you enjoyed being an extinction madman! This map took me 24 days to make, I started it right after I finished Epic, which took me 6 months. I'd say right not I have a firm grip on Build, as I cranked out this quality piece in timely manner. I made this a bit easier on myself my not getting involved with new art, sounds, and music. Nothing you haven't seen or heard before. Worthy of note is that I have recently been accepted on Mystique's Total Conversion team, where I will be making at least 2 maps for their project. You can find them at www.Mystique.com, or through link at www.elitegames.com in the Duke 3d page. We are working on a very exciting total conversion, using 100% new art, monsters, weapons, and souds. We have currently 2 downloadable demos, to keep you interested in following the project. This group of artists, CON hackers, music composers, HTLM programmers, and level designers are the most talented in TC development, and I am honored to have been accepted to make maps for them. Look for both mine and my colleague's work at Mystique! Episode and Level # : n/a Single Player : Jihad! DukeMatch Level : no Team Play : no * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : I think I've fumigated this sucker totally. There could be some trouble with the crane, as it took me a while to get it right, but I hope it's foolproof. If it is a problem, you can just clip through the path the crane would take you. Please do not use this map as the base construction for anything else. If you see something you would like to use, load it up in Build, and see how I did it. I am happy to help fellow Builder's by e-mail. This was designed on a laptop, believe it or not. It's the only computer I have. It's an IBM Thinkpad 365 ED, with 24 megs RAM, and a Cyrix 90 that works as good as a higher power Pentium. It's a great laptop, although it doesn't allow drivers to work in DOS, so I have to play and design these levels in Windows. I did all the play testing. I basically had no help in making this. That aside, I'd like to thank a few others: myself, Brett Gmoser and Johan Bishop's MapFaq 11, Stupid SE0 Tricks How- To v. 1.01 by Tim Conneen, my parents for getting me this laptop for my graduation present, Lazer for this authoring template, and YOU for playing this, Phish for the great tunes, and Stephen Hawking and Patrick Roy and the Colorado Avalanche for the inspiration, and myself. I'd also like to take this opportunity to personally thank ethanol and tetrahydrocannabinol. And yeah id for making the most sensorily stimulating game until Shadow Warrior comes out. And not really Build, because it really isn't as good as it could be, with conflicts, parallax problems, crashes, ambient SFX dropout, fighting sectors, etc. * Where to get this MAP file * WWW sites : The LAZER'S BEAM at http://members.aol.com/lazer711/index.html, and soon www.mystique.com under member maps (I'm Steve "Fermion" Carson). ===========================================================================